

Scholarship Eligibility Qualifications

$500 Scholarship

  1. Student must be graduating from the Thunder Ridge High School 2017 class
  2. Student must be actively involved in FFA and/or 4-H
  3. Preference will be given to students pursuing an agricultural disciplined degree from a university, college, or vo-tech
  4. Scholarship will be awarded when students incurs tuition, fees and book cost for the school year at their institution of choice
  5. Students must hold a 2.5 cumulative GPA or higher while at Thunder Ridge
  6. Awarding of the scholarship will be overseen by the General Manager of Pro Ag Marketing Assn Inc
  7. Scholarship applicants will be judged on community, school involvement, leadership, advisor recommendations and work experience.
  8. Eligibility requirements are subject to change.
  9. Students must fill out the Scholarship Application completely and return to the Pro Ag office in Kensington or email to or
  10. Deadline for application is April 1, 2017


Applications are available at Thunder Ridge High School or the Kensington Pro Ag office