North Carolina Farmers Market - Raleigh, NC
Raleigh, NC-Summary of Farmers' Market Prices in North Carolina

Provided by: Fruit & Vegetable Market News Office
             Federal-State Market News Office - Raleigh, NC

Phone:  919-707-3156
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Phone: (919) 733-7417               Manager: Sim McIver
Date:  August 11, 2020

***Produce availability and prices paid to growers as of 8:00 a.m.  If prices 
are not provided produce is currently unavailable.***

Produce Tenant � Wholesale Price

COMMODITY     VARIETY               CONTAINERS                            Price
Apples        Red Delicious WA      Traypack Carton (100s)          27.00-34.25
              Golden Delicious WA   Traypack Carton (100s)          32.75-49.00
              Granny Smith WA       Traypack Carton (100s)          34.00-40.00
              Gala WA               Traypack Carton (100s)          29.00-40.00
              Fuji WA               Traypack Carton (100s)          29.00-39.00
              Pink Lady WA          Traypack Carton (100s)          40.00-47.00
              Red & Gold Delicious  Traypack Carton (113,125,138s)  29.00-35.65
              Red & Gold Delicious  12 3-Lb. Film Bag               21.00-27.00
Asparagus                           Carton (11 Lbs.)                30.05-36.35
Bananas                             Carton (40 Lbs.)                19.00-20.90
Beans         Round Green Type      1 1/9 Bushel Carton             31.00-32.95
Beets                               Sack (25 Lbs.)                  15.00-18.65
Blueberries                         Flat 12 1-Pint Cups             25.00-28.00
Broccoli                            Carton (14s)                    24.00-26.35
Cabbage       Round Green           Carton (50 Lbs.)                19.00-22.85
Carrots                             Sack (50 Lbs.)                  22.05-24.35
Cauliflower                         Carton (12s)                    25.00-28.45
Celery                              Carton (30s)                    31.00-39.45
Cherries                            Carton (16 Lbs.)                25.00-47.15
Cilantro                            Carton (30s)                    22.65-25.00
Citrus        Grapefruit, Pink CA   4/5 Bushel Carton               24.00-52.95
              Grapefruit FL         4/5 Bushel Carton               29.00-31.00
              Grapefruit, Red       Carton (40 Lbs. of 36s)         28.00-52.95
              Lemons                Carton (40 Lbs.)                39.00-66.05
              Limes                 Carton (40 Lbs.)                25.00-45.00
              Oranges CA            4/5 Bushel Carton (88s)         32.00-57.05
              Oranges CA            4/5 Bushel Carton (56s)         39.00-61.65
              Oranges FL            4/5 Bushel Carton (100-125s)    19.00-27.00
              Oranges, Juicing CA   4/5 Bushel Carton               25.00-32.00
Corn          Bi-Color              Carton (4 1/2-5 Dozen)                23.00
              Yellow                Carton (4 1/2-5 Dozen)                25.75
              White                 Carton (4 1/2-5 Dozen)                25.75
Cucumbers     Long Green            Carton (40 Lbs.)                24.00-42.00
              Pickle                3/4 Bushel Carton               23.00-35.00
Eggplant                            Carton (25 Lbs.)                25.00-27.00
Grapes        Red Seedless          Carton (18 Lbs.)                27.00-35.00
              White Seedless        Carton (18 Lbs.)                29.00-35.00
              Black Seedless        Carton (18 Lbs.)                28.00-29.00
Greens        Collard               Bushel Carton/Loose (24s)       15.00-17.00
              Kale                  Carton/Bunched (24s)            14.35-15.00
              Turnip                Bushel Carton                   15.00-21.45
Honeydews                           Carton (5s)                     20.00-30.00
Kiwi                                Carton (117s)                   25.15-39.00
                                    Flat (30/36s)                         25.15
Lettuce       Iceberg               Carton (24s Wrapped)            27.00-38.65
              Green Leaf            Carton (24s)                    27.00-35.00
              Romaine               Carton (24s)                    30.00-35.00
Mangoes                             Flat (9s)                        8.00-14.00
Melons        Cantaloupes           Carton (9s)                     25.00-36.15
              Cantaloupes           Bin                           200.00-225.00
              Watermelon, Seeded    Bin (30s)                     175.00-250.00
              Watermelon, Seedless  Bin (45s)                     175.00-250.00
Nectarines    White Flesh           1/2 Bushel Carton                     30.00
              Yellow Flesh          1/2 Bushel Carton                     30.00
Onions        Yellow Jumbo          Sack (50 Lbs.)                  24.00-25.05
              White                 Sack (25 Lbs.)                  20.00-22.00
              Red                   Sack (25 Lbs.)                  19.00-20.00
              Green                 Carton (24s)                    21.00-25.00
              Sweet Onions          Carton (40 Lbs.)                25.00-40.05
Parsley                             1 1/9 Bushel Carton                   26.50
Peaches       White Flesh           1/2 Bushel Carton                     28.00
              Yellow Flesh          1/2 Bushel Carton                     28.00
Peanuts       Dry                   Bag (35 Lbs.)                         35.00
              Dry                   Bag (50 Lbs.)                   65.00-68.00
Pears         Bartlett              Carton (16 Lbs.)                35.00-42.00
              Bosc                  Carton (90s)                    30.00-32.00
Pepper        Green Bell Type       1 1/9 Bushel Carton             20.00-25.15
              Red Bell Type         Carton (11 Lbs.)                28.00-30.75
              Yellow Bell Type      Carton (11 Lbs.)                      32.00
Plums         Red                   Carton (28 Lbs.)                32.00-38.00
Pomegranates                        Carton (18s)                               
Potatoes      Red Size A No. 1      Carton (50 Lbs.)                23.00-32.55
              Red Size B No. 1      Carton (50 Lbs.)                      30.00
              White Size A          Carton (50 Lbs.)                23.95-29.00
              Russet ID             Carton (50 Lbs.)                29.00-32.95
Radishes      Red                   30 6-Ounce Film Bags            15.00-22.85
Raspberries                         Flat 12 1/2-Pint Cups           25.65-30.05
Rutabagas                           Carton (40 Lbs.)                14.35-35.00
Squash        Yellow                1/2 Bushel Carton               20.00-22.95
              Zucchini              1/2 Bushel Carton               20.00-31.00
Strawberries                        Flat 8 1-Quart Baskets          29.00-30.85
Sweetpotatoes Orange Types          Carton (40 Lbs.)                      25.00
              White Types           Carton (40 Lbs.)                18.45-20.00
Tomatoes      Vine Ripes XLge       Carton (25 Lbs.)                23.00-27.15
Tomatoes,Plum Roma                  Carton (25 Lbs.)                25.00-26.45
Tomatoes,Cherry                     Flat 12 1-Pint Baskets          20.00-22.85
Tomatoes,Grape                      Flat 12 1-Pint Clamshells       20.00-25.00
Turnips       Topped                Film Bag (25 Lbs.)              15.00-20.05

Farmers Line � Wholesale Price

Beans         Butter (Lima Type)    Bag (4 Lbs., Shelled)                 16.00
              Butter (Lima Type)    1 1/9 Bushel Carton, Unshelled  25.00-35.00
              Round Green Type      1 1/9 Bushel Carton                   30.00
              Rattlesnake(Pole Type)1 1/9 Bushel Carton                   15.00
Beets                               Bag (25 Lbs.)                         15.00
Blackberries                        Flat 12 1-Pint Cups             24.00-28.00
Blueberries                         Flat 12 1-Pint Cups             20.00-22.00
Broccoli                            Carton (22 Lbs.)                20.00-25.00
Cabbage       Round Green Type      Carton (50 Lbs.)                20.00-22.00
Carrots                             Bunched (12s)                         20.00
Corn          Bi-Color              Carton (4 1/2-5 Dozen)          22.00-25.00
              White                 Carton (4 1/2-5 Dozen)          22.00-25.00
Cucumbers     Long Green            1 1/9 Bushel Carton             20.00-30.00
              Long Green            1/2 Bushel Carton                     15.00
              Long Green            3/4 Bushel Carton                     22.00
              Pickle                1 1/9 Bushel Carton             24.00-30.00
              Pickle                1/2 Bushel Carton                     18.00
              Pickle                3/4 Bushel Carton               25.00-26.00
Eggplant      Black Beauty          3/4 Bushel Carton               22.00-25.00
              Japanese Type         1/2 Bushel Carton                     18.00
Greens        Collard               Carton (25 Lbs.)                12.00-15.00
              Kale                  Carton (25 Lbs.)                12.00-15.00
              Mustard               Carton (25 Lbs.)                12.00-15.00
              Turnip                Carton (25 Lbs.)                12.00-15.00
Melons        Canary                Each                              1.50-1.75
              Cantaloupes           Bin                           210.00-230.00
              Cantaloupes           Each                                   1.75
              Watermelon, Seedless  Bin (45s)                     160.00-190.00
              Watermelon, Seedless  Each                                   2.50
              Wtrmln, Crimson Sweet Bin                           180.00-225.00
              Wtrmln, Jubilee       Bin                           180.00-225.00
Okra                                1/2 Bushel Carton               25.00-28.00
Onions, Green                       Bunched (12s)                   10.00-18.00
Peanuts       Green                 Bag (40 Lbs.)                         45.00
Peas, Other   Pink Eye              Bag (4 Lbs., Shelled)           16.00-20.00
              Pink Eye              1 1/9 Bushel Carton, Unshelled  25.00-26.00
              Purple Hull           Bag (4 Lbs., Shelled)           16.00-20.00
              Purple Hull           1 1/9 Bushel Carton, Unshelled  25.00-26.00
              White Acre            Bag (4 Lbs., Shelled)           16.00-20.00
              White Acre            1 1/9 Bushel Carton, Unshelled  25.00-26.00
Pepper        Green Bell Type       1 1/9 Bushel Carton             14.00-25.00
              Purple Bell Type      1 1/9 Bushel Carton             14.00-25.00
              Red Bell Type         1 1/9 Bushel Carton                   30.00
Pepper, Other Cayenne               1/2 Bushel Carton                     22.00
              Jalapeno              1/2 Bushel Carton                     22.00
Potatoes      Round Red             Carton (50 Lbs.)                      25.00
Sweet Potatoes                      Carton (40 Lbs.)                      22.00
Squash        Yellow                1/2 Bushel Carton                     20.00
              Yellow                3/4 Bushel Carton                     22.00
              Zucchini              1/2 Bushel Carton               20.00-25.00
              Zucchini              3/4 Bushel Carton               22.00-25.00
              Zucchini, Golden      1/2 Bushel Carton                     18.00
              Zucchini, Eight Ball  1/2 Bushel Carton                     22.00
Tomatoes      Vine Ripes Jumbo      Carton (25 Lbs.)                      25.00
              Vine Ripes Large      Carton (25 Lbs.)                      23.00
              Vine Ripes Medium     Carton (25 Lbs.)                16.00-18.00
              Vine Ripes Small      Carton (25 Lbs.)                      12.00
              German Johnson (Hrlm) Carton (25 Lbs.)                      30.00
              Various Heirloom      Carton (25 Lbs.)                32.00-35.00
Tomatoes,Plum Roma                  Carton (25 Lbs.)                      26.00
Tomatoes,Grape                      1/2 Bushel Carton               25.00-28.00


Phone: (828) 253-1691               Manager:   Doug Sutton
Date:  August 11, 2020

Commodity     Variety               Containers                            Price
Apples        Gala NC               Bushel Carton                         20.00
              Ginger Gold NC        Bushel Carton                         20.00
              Golden Delicious NC   Bushel Carton                         20.00
              Golden Supreme NC     Bushel Carton                         20.00
              Honey Crisp NC        Bushel Carton                         30.00
              McIntosh NC           Bushel Carton                         20.00
              Mutsu NC              Bushel Carton                         20.00
              Wolf River NC         Bushel Carton                         20.00
Bananas                             Carton (40 Lbs.)                20.00-24.50
Beans         Round Green Type NC   Bushel Carton/Crate                   38.00
              Half Runners NC       Bushel Carton/Crate             35.00-45.00
              Greasy (Hrlm) NC      Bushel Carton/Crate                   65.00
Beets                               Sack/Loose (25 Lbs.)            16.00-20.50
Blackberries  NC                    Flat                                  21.00
Blueberries   NC                    Flat 12 1-Pint Cups                   26.00
                                    1 Gallon Basket                       15.00
Broccoli                            Carton (18s)                    21.50-24.50
Cabbage       NC                    Sack (50 Lbs.)                        15.00
Carrots                             Sack (50 Lbs.)                  22.00-24.75
Cauliflower                         Carton (12s)                    23.50-29.00
Celery                              Carton (24s)                    30.00-34.00
Citrus        Grapefruit            Carton (32-48s)                 30.00-34.00
              Lemons                Carton (165s)                   40.00-41.00
              Limes                 Carton (40 Lbs.)                38.00-49.00
              Oranges, Navel CA     Carton (56-88s)                 27.00-39.00
Corn          Bicolor NC            Sack (5 Dozen)                  24.00-25.00
Cucumbers     Long Green NC         1 1/9 Bushel Carton/Crate             22.50
              Pickle NC             1 1/9 Bushel Carton/Crate       30.00-35.00
Eggplant      NC                    1 1/9 Bushel Carton/Crate       19.00-24.00
Grapes        Red Seedless          Carton (18 Lbs.)                18.00-32.00
Greens        Collard NC            Carton (10 Lbs. Chopped)        15.00-25.00
Kiwi                                Carton (39s)                    16.00-16.50
Lettuce       Iceberg CA            Carton (24s)                    25.00-31.00
              Green Leaf            Carton (24s)                    20.50-28.00
              Romaine               Carton (24s)                    32.50-37.00
Melons        Cantaloupe SC         Bin (120s)                    240.00-300.00
              Cantaloupe SC         Carton (12s)                    15.00-28.75
              Honeydews             Carton (5s)                     17.50-20.00
              Watermelon, Seeded    Bin (36s)                     160.00-175.00
              Watermelon, Seedless  Bin (35-80s)                  160.00-225.00
Onions        Yellow Jumbo          Sack (50 Lbs.)                  20.00-25.50
              Vidalia               Sack (40 Lbs.)                        35.00
Okra                                1/2 Bushel Basket               28.00-30.00
Peaches       Babygold              1/2 Bushel Basket               15.00-24.00
              Blushingstar�         1/2 Bushel Basket               15.00-24.00
              Elberta               1/2 Bushel Basket               15.00-24.00
              Flameprince           1/2 Bushel Basket               15.00-24.00
              O�Henry               1/2 Bushel Basket               15.00-24.00
              Redglobe              1/2 Bushel Basket               15.00-24.00
Peanuts       Raw NC                Sack (50 Lbs.)                        42.00
Pepper        Green Bell XLge + NC  1 1/9 Bushel Carton             18.00-19.00
              Red NC                1 1/9 Bushel Carton             35.00-39.00
Pepper, Other Jalapeno              1 1/9 Bushel Carton             20.00-25.00
Pineapples                          Carton (5s)                           20.00
Plums         NC                    1/2 Bushel Basket                          
Potatoes      TS Round White        Carton (50 Lbs.)                35.00-38.00
              TS Round Red          Sack (30 Lbs.)                  29.00-40.00
              TS Russet ID          Carton (50, 60, 70, 80s)        28.00-38.00
Radishes                            14 1-Pound Bags                 18.00-18.75
Squash        Yellow NC             1/2 Bushel Basket               20.00-25.00
              Zucchini NC           1/2 Bushel Basket               16.00-21.00
              Patty Pan NC          1/2 Bushel Basket                          
              Acorn                 1 1/9 Bushel Carton/Crate       25.00-34.00
              Butternut             1 1/9 Bushel Carton/Crate       25.00-34.00
Sweetpotatoes Purple Types NC       1 1/9 Bushel Carton/Crate             40.00
              Red Types Jumbo NC    1 1/9 Bushel Carton/Crate       20.00-26.50
Tomatoes      Vine Ripes XLge NC    Carton (25 Lbs.)                14.00-20.00
              Mature Green NC       Carton (25 Lbs.)                18.00-27.00
Tomatoes,Grape                      Flat 12 1-Pint Clamshells             19.00
              NC                    Carton (20 Lbs.)                20.00-23.00
Tomatoes,Plum Roma NC               Carton (25 Lbs.)                18.00-23.00
              Various Heirloom NC   Carton (25 Lbs.)                20.00-35.00
Tomatillos    NC                    1 1/9 Bushel Carton/Crate       20.00-31.50
Turnips                             Sack (25 Lbs. Loose)            16.00-24.00

Key: GH � Greenhouse; TS � Table Stock; Hrlm - Heirloom